


Senator the Hon Christopher Evans

Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Jobs and Workplace Relations

7 December, 2010





Media release


Government takes next steps in international education reforms


The Minister for Tertiary Education, Senator Chris Evans, today welcomed the release of a consultation paper to inform the next phase of the Government’s response to the Baird Review of the legislation that governs international education in Australia.

澳大利亚高等教育部长克里斯埃文斯(Chris Evans)参议员今天对政府为回应澳大利亚国际教育行业立法的“贝尔德复审”(Baird Review)而颁布的咨询文件表示欢迎。这是政府 为回应“贝尔德复审”而采取的下一阶段的措施。

In March 2010, the Hon Bruce Baird released his report into the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000, containing a number of recommendations to strengthen the legislation to better protect international students and ensure Australia continues to offer a world class quality education.

20103月,布鲁斯贝尔德(Bruce Baird)发表了关于《2000年海外学生教育服务法案(ESOS)》的复审报告,就加强立法更好地保障国际学生权益、确保澳大利亚继续提供世界一流的教育提出了多项建议。

Senator Evans invited submissions from stakeholders, including education peak bodies, regulators, providers, students and agents, who will have until 21 January 2011 to provide feedback to the Government.


“The Government is firmly committed to supporting the quality and integrity of Australia’s international education sector, having already introduced reforms to raise the bar for entry into the sector and give regulators greater flexibility to manage risk and enforce compliance with the legislation,” Senator Evans said.


The release of the consultation paper follows the first phase of the Government’s response to the Baird Review through the legislative reforms introduced into Parliament on 27 October 2010.

此次咨询文件的公布是政府回应“贝尔德复审”,在20101027日向议会提出立法改革的 第一阶段工作的后续工作。

The changes already being implemented include: further strengthening provider registration requirements; measures to better manage risk in international education; introducing financial penalties for a wider scope of non-compliant behaviour; and enhancing the complaints and appeals processes by expanding the role of the Commonwealth Ombudsman.


“The Phase Two consultation paper explores options for taking forward the remaining Baird Review recommendations,” Senator Evans said.


The sector has been asked to provide feedback on:


  • risk assessment and management approach to the registration and ongoing monitoring of education providers delivering to overseas students;


  • strengthening the tuition protection framework;


  • a range of recommendations for making ESOS stronger, simpler and smarter; and


  • the regulatory effect on providers of these proposals and recommendations.

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